2 . Volunteers and projects
Here you can read what kind of projects we have already sent volunteers to.
Spain – Murcia, 11 months, Work for circular economy
We are the supporting organization for Paulina, who is currently volunteering in Murcia, Spain, for 11 months. Her hosting organization is Asociación Nacional Proyecto Abraham Calle Carril Baeza.
The Proyecto Abraham Association offers full support to migrants, minors and all people at risk of social exclusion. Established in 1997, it develops its actions in the Region of Murcia with the aim of promoting social action and environmental protection. Proyecto Abraham helps all people with migratory status, with addiction problems, unemployed, people with economic difficulties, lack of social resources to face their difficulties and, in general, people at risk of social exclusion.
During the first phase of the volunteer period, the volunteer will observe how the association develops its activities, providing active support in their development. Afterwards, the volunteering tasks are mainly related to responsible consumption of clothes: preparing textiles for the team later use, organizing leisure and free time workshops related to textile recycling and circular economy, support in the donations of clothes and food. The volunteer can also work in social and sustainable economy stores to support the organizational and informative work of the association and the importance of responsible consumption. An important activity is also to promote European and mobility projects and programs among young people in the Region of Murcia and users of their organization, as well as advertise European Solidarity Corpses to youths in the area. The volunteer also supports the trainers of the organization in teaching Spanish, new technologies, job search etc. to people in a situation of social exclusion.
Spain – Gandia, 2 months, Supporting local communities: environmental issues
We were the supporting organization for Fernando, who volunteered for two months in 2024, in Gandia, Spain. His hosting organization was Xeracion Valencia.
Xeracion Valencia is a non-profit youth cultural association created in Gandia, Spain, in 2014 by an enthusiastic group of people. They decided to leave their regular jobs and try to enjoy their day by day, while doing something enriching and meaningful for their local communities. The association wants to empower youth in order for them to have their own critical thinking and analysis, an active citizenship and participatory democracy and encourage them to expand social cooperation projects and volunteering locally as well as internationally. They also work to enhance tolerance, human dignity, interculturality, healthy lifestyle, solidarity and cooperation, social justice and integration as well as protection of environment and sustainable development.
In this project the volunteer can create their own program from various activities available. The main project is about environmental issues and it focuses on transforming plastic waste into new and valuable objects. The volunteer can also work in awareness campaigns and workshops for children and youths from different topics. There is also a chance to learn more about non-formal management: doing social media, creating a website and different promotional materials.
Spain – Valencia, 1 year, Horse-assisted therapies for children with disabilities
We were the sending organization for Sabina, who volunteered for a year in Spain. Her hosting organization was Asociación de profesionales de terapias con caballos (APTC).
APTC is a non-profit organization founded in 2007. In APTC activities are developed with boys and girls with functional diversity with the aim of increasing their autonomy and improving their skills. All our intervention is done from an inclusive point of view fighting for and to achieve the full inclusion of our users. We carry out therapies accompanied by horses working on aspects of physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy or neuropsychology. For these sessions with kids we have a monitor equestrian, a therapy and the support figure, who is usually a volunteer.
The volunteer works directly with disabled children and horses. Their tasks can be assisting the staff with material preparing, transferring users to the horse, accompaniment in the sessions and basic handling of a horse.
Romania – Mures, 9 months. Outdoor challenges through solidarity actions
We were the sending organization for Martyna, who volunteered in Rumes, Romania for 9 months in 2023. Her hosting organization was Societatea pentru Tineret Outward Bound Romania.
Outward Bound Romania is a non-profit organization specialized in outdoor activities that was founded in 1993. Since its inception, Outward Bound Romania has developed safe and quality programs, mostly focused on youth. The primary programs include personal development courses for high school students, courses for educators, youth leadership courses, and courses aimed at orphans, troubled, and economically disadvantaged youth. More than 50,000 young people have participated in our courses to date.
The volunteer works as an outdoor trainer assistant doing youth work. Their tasks are to help implement programs and take care of the flow and needs of the people in programs. The volunteer will learn in practice about the outdoor and experiential education and about the facilitation as well as gain technical knowledge and develop technical skills. It’s also expected that the volunteer helps with tasks in office and physical work. The organization encourages volunteers to do their own initiatives.
Romania – Craiova, 6 months, Youth Defence Against Threats
We were the sending organization for Joanna, who volunteered in Romania in 2021. Her hosting organization was Asociata Centrul Regional De Economie Sociala (CRES).
Regional Center for Social Economicy (CRES) is a non-governmental organization working in South-West Oltenia, with the main objective to promote community development and social economy at local and regional level. Over the past 5 years the organization has had projects about youth opportunities development, social inclusion, cultural awareness and tolerance, and active citizenship. So far, CRES has hosted over 100 volunteers.
Thе gеnеrаl objective оf thе рrоjеct іs tо create youth networks in field оf рrеvеntіоn оf human trafficking of disadvantaged groups. The prоjеct aims tо create awareness, generate best рractіcеs, educate youth in early detection оf rіsk оf human traffіckіng and еxрloіratіon and tеach thеm hоw tо act in detection of such risks. The volunteer is working for those goals, focusing on young people in the area, via different workshops and activities.
France – Dieupentale, 7 months, Volunteering in College
We are the sending organization for Szymon who is currently volunteering in France for seven months. His hosting organization is College Sainte Claire.
College Sainte Claire is a school that wants to focus on every student’s needs whatever their history, difficulties, or ambitions might be. The school is part of Apprentis d’Auteuil, which is a Catholic foundation. It helps the most vulnerable young people and families. Apprentis d’Auteuil develops reception, education, training and integration programs in France and internationally to give vulnerable young people and families what they lack most: confidence. They develop the individual talent and personal skills of each young person and help them to find their place In society.
The volunteers main tasks are to help with the school’s everyday-life. The volunteer will accompany young people with learning disabilities in school and also in school follow-up and other support like tutoring, help with homework and working in sub-groups. In conjunction with a team, educators and teachers, the volunteer will implement educational projects and do other tasks. The goal is that the volunteer is a force of proposal to animate school life with young people.
France – Le Vesinet, 7 months, Volunteering in Primary School
We were the sending organization for Oliwia, who volunteered in France 2022-2023. Her hosting organization was Pier-Giorgio Frassati Primary School.
Pier-Giorgio Frassati Primary School is a school located in Le Vésinet. The school welcomes about 70 students from 7 to 12 years old. The school is part of Apprentis d’Auteuil, which is a Catholic foundation. It helps the most vulnerable young people and families. Apprentis d’Auteuil develops reception, education, training and integration programs in France and internationally to give vulnerable young people and families what they lack most: confidence. They develop the individual talent and personal skills of each young person and help them to find their place In society.
The volunteer will help the school’s staff with break-time activities and intervention of the classes. They will accompany students and help them understand the instructions and do their tasks. Depending on the volunteers skills, they can help in arts, music, sports, ecology or digital classes. They are also needed in English lectures.
France – La Loupe, 4 months, Support underprivileged youth in France
We were the sending organization for Maja, who volunteered in France in 2022. Her hosting organization was Lycée Professionnel Notre-Dame.
Lycée Professionnel Notre-Dame is a vocational school. The school is part of Apprentis d’Auteuil, which is a Catholic foundation. It helps the most vulnerable young people and families. Apprentis d’Auteuil develops reception, education, training and integration programs in France and internationally to give vulnerable young people and families what they lack most: confidence. They develop the individual talent and personal skills of each young person and help them to find their place In society.
The volunteer’s tasks are to assist the teacher during language classes, setting up projects with an educational, cultural and intercultural focus, contribute to school follow-up and support as well as participate in school life there.
Spain – Arenas De San Pedro, 10 months, Fostering Youth Initiative and Engagement
We were the sending organization for Anh, who worked in Spain for 10 months in 2023-2024. Their hosting organization was Asociación Jóvenes Solidarios (AJS).
AJS focuses its work on young people in rural areas. Specifically, the association’s objectives are to promote civic participation among young people, develop a conscious and critical attitude towards socio-political issues, promote the youth initiative and boost the education of future young entrepreneurs.
The volunteer will work together with the organization’s staff and other volunteers. Together they will organize and keep group meetings for children and youth and take part in events and workshops. Volunteers will also help with tasks in the office like communication, social media and marketing. The organization also encourages volunteers to do their own initiatives.
3 . Hosting organizations
Asociación Nacional Proyecto Abraham
Calle Carril Baeza, 30006, Murcia, Spain
+34 620253334
Nuria García Clavijos, President
Associazione Giardino Faunistico di Piano dell’Abatino
Via Capo Farfa 50, 02030 Poggio San Lorenzo, Rieti, Italy
(+39) 3492360511
Asociación Jóvenes Solidarios
Avda de la Constitución 16, 2, 05400 Arenas de san Pedro, Spain
+34 686701350
Monia Izabela Wisniewska, Coordinator
Regional Center for Social Economy– CRES
Street Grigore Plesoianu, no 11H , Craiova, Dolj , Romania
Radu Cristian Petcu, President
Camí Fondo, s/n, 46701, Gandia, Spain
Ion Lera Sanchez, President and Project Manager
Asociación de profesionales de terapias con caballos
Av/ Francia no 1 Torre 3 13A. 46023, Valencia, Spain
Francisco Navarro Valero, president

Societatea pentru Tineret Outward Bound Romania
Clădirea Studium HUB str. Bolyai nr. 15, 540064 Tîrgu Mureş, Romania
+40 769 224 290
Ádám Horváth-Kovács, Director executive

College Sainte Claire
12 Route de Bordeaux, 82170 Dieupentale, France
05 54 06 08 00
Marie Godet. Director
Pier-Giorgio Frassati Elementary School
57 Av. de Lorraine, 78110 Le Vésinet, Ile-de-France
Fabien Cognaud, International Manager
Lycée Professionnel Notre-Dame
Château des Vaux, CS90002 Saint-Maurice Saint-Germain 28240 La Loupe
Sébastien Kinnaer, Director